The concept describes the path and direction and also defines measurable goals and responsibilities; however, ultimately this is only in theory. More critical is the practical implementation
Many organizations underestimate the work involved with the mplementation phase. Day-to-day operations dilute decisions to act, necessary capacities are not available, and priorities are not assigned effectively.
In this case, the concept will only set feasible tasks, which take into account what can or cannot be implemented. This ensures that the goals are achievable. In addition, a project management and time-control function is implemented, which will allow the detection of any directional shifts. Newly emerging risks and opportunities are identified immediately and taken into consideration via a continuously evolving concept.
The concept implementation should be executed primarily by the organization itself. However, we will of course support you regarding controlling issues and specialist matters concerning implementation, such as recruitment of personnel, risk management or employee leadership. We can also be of assistance for specialist projects, such as product innovation, de-mergers or negotiations with banks.
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